Forge Dining room> Collection




Dormitorios de forjadining roomhallway Complementos

Forge Dining Room

Focus of your home par excellence

Dormitorio de forja Barroc

Artistic forge of design, clean forms and generous volumes.17 finished and special measures.

We have IMAGED your dining table: functional and durable.
We have DREAMT with impossible designs to turn the room into a friendly atmosphere. We have CREATED for you: shelves, auxiliary beds, pictures, chairs and other accessories to get the perfect atmosphere which will captivate you..

collection has got 3 forging pieces of furniture we introduce you right now.



Productos de forja

  • Colection Atenas - Atenas Bookcase

    Atenas Bookcase

  • Colection Atenas - Atenas Coffee Table

    Atenas Coffee Table

  • Colection Atenas - Atenas Pouf

    Atenas Pouf

  • >Colections

    Atenas (dining room)

    Artistic forge of design, clean forms and generous volumes.17 finished and special measures.

  • >Colections

    Barcelona (dining room)

    Minimalist forge, combines straight lines and asymmetry, well-balanced design. 17 finishes and special sizes.

  • >Colections

    Bilma (dining room)

    Curves and folds create a forged sculpture, combined with all the trends in decoration. 17 finishes and special sizes.

  • >Colections

    Egipto (dining room)

    Egipto Diningroom

  • >Colections

    Jara (dining room)

    Art and impossible volumes, available in 17 finishes.

  • >Colections

    Morgan (dining room)

    The fight with gravity, the "Balance" forge very marked sculptural design, available in 17 finishes, as possibility of manufacturing.

  • >Colections

    Pop (dining room)

    Retro design with air-assured, 17 ended ones and possibility of making to measure.

  • >Colections

    Shangai (dining room)

    Inspired by the oriental simplicity, perfect for a Zen atmosphere. Available in 17 ended ones and the possibility of making of special measures.

  • >Colections

    Sicilia (dining room)

    Stylized curves, deforms the straight, fight with the design. 17 finishes and special sizes.

  • Distribuidores:  encuentre su distribuidor comercial más cercano
  • Comedores de Forja: Mesas, sillas, ....
  • Area Profesional








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