Forge Dining Room

Focus of your home par excellence

Dormitorio de forja Barroc

A flight of butterflies for your home, flood of life your stays with this design full of freshness, 17 ended, special measures.

We have IMAGED your dining table: functional and durable.
We have DREAMT with impossible designs to turn the room into a friendly atmosphere. We have CREATED for you: shelves, auxiliary beds, pictures, chairs and other accessories to get the perfect atmosphere which will captivate you..

collection has got 0 forging pieces of furniture we introduce you right now.



Productos de forja

  • >Colections

    Atenas (dining room)

    Artistic forge of design, clean forms and generous volumes.17 finished and special measures.

  • >Colections

    Barcelona (dining room)

    Minimalist forge, combines straight lines and asymmetry, well-balanced design. 17 finishes and special sizes.

  • >Colections

    Bilma (dining room)

    Curves and folds create a forged sculpture, combined with all the trends in decoration. 17 finishes and special sizes.

  • >Colections

    Egipto (dining room)

    Egipto Diningroom

  • >Colections

    Jara (dining room)

    Art and impossible volumes, available in 17 finishes.

  • >Colections

    Morgan (dining room)

    The fight with gravity, the "Balance" forge very marked sculptural design, available in 17 finishes, as possibility of manufacturing.

  • >Colections

    Pop (dining room)

    Retro design with air-assured, 17 ended ones and possibility of making to measure.

  • >Colections

    Shangai (dining room)

    Inspired by the oriental simplicity, perfect for a Zen atmosphere. Available in 17 ended ones and the possibility of making of special measures.

  • >Colections

    Sicilia (dining room)

    Stylized curves, deforms the straight, fight with the design. 17 finishes and special sizes.

  • Distribuidores:  encuentre su distribuidor comercial más cercano
  • Comedores de Forja: Mesas, sillas, ....
  • Area Profesional








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